AI Level 6- Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms
- Description
- Curriculum
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Time Series Algorithms
Recommender System
123.1 OpenCV_1
133.2 OpenCV_2
143.3 Read and Resize Images
153.4 Detect faces in an image by using OpenCV
163.5 Detect eyes in the images by using OpenCV
173.6 Detect faces and eyes in real-time
183.7 Webcam motion detector using openCV(part 1)
193.8 Webcam motion detector using openCV(part 2)
Sentiment analysis and Optical Character recognition
Naive Bayes Algorithms
Artificial Neural Network(ANN)
Convolution Neural Networks(CNN)
Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) and Long Short Term Memory(LSTM)
388.1 RNN and LSTM : Introduction and Application
398.2 Diving Deep into RNN and LSTM
408.3 Case study: Google stock price prediction using RNN and LSTM (Part 1)
418.4 Case study: Google stock price prediction using RNN and LSTM (Part 2)
428.5 Case study: Google stock price prediction using RNN and LSTM (Part 3)
438.6 Case study: Google stock price prediction using RNN and LSTM (Part 4)
Final Assessment
Live Project
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